Step 1
Put on gloves! Make sure both tank valves are closed.

Step 2
Remove the cap and hook the hose on. Make sure all of the fittings are locked in position.

Step 3
Connect the other end of your sewer hose with the funnel looking attachment that will screw into the hole in the ground.

Step 4
Pull the black tank valve (you’ll want to dump the black tank first). Allow it to stop draining and then close the valve.

Step 5
Rinse your black tank - hook a garden hose (not your drinking hose! we like this lightweight expandable one) to the black tank flush. Be sure your black tank valve is closed. Turn on the water for 2-5 minutes. We do two 2 minute rinses with a 1 minute lapse between. This allows water to sit and dissolve any bits of toilet paper left in the tank.

Step 6
Open the valve and release the water. If solids are still present, repeat the rinse until the water comes out clear. Unhook the garden hose from the black tank flush and replace the cap.

Step 7
Close the black tank valve and open the grey tank valve - the soapy water from your grey tank will rinse out your hose. Once it has stopped draining, you can close the valve. If you’re at a site with sewer hookups, you can leave the grey tank open.

Step 8
Flush chemicals down your toilet - follow instructions on package. We add about 2 quarts of water + 1/4 cup Rid-X.