Lafayette Cemetery in Lafayette, OR

The Legend:

Haunted Lafayette Cemetery in Lafayette, OR

There are many ghost stories floating around the internet about Anna Marple, a woman accused of witchcraft and hanged in Lafayette, OR. Most will tell you that the witch haunts the cemetery, chasing locals out and cackling. Some even report to have deep lacerations on their backs after leaving the hallowed ground. 

The History:

Though we did want to believe this tale, it doesn't take much research to learn it isn't entirely true. Someone was indeed hanged in Lafayette, but it wasn't a woman or witch. According to public record, Richard Marple was convicted of murder and burglary and hanged for his crimes on November 11, 1887. His mother, Anna Marple, is said to have been a "gypsy" and predicted the town would burn to the ground three times. Since this, there have been several major fires in Lafayette.

Our Experience:

We rated our "paranormal experiences" based on our personal perceptions. Visual activity include: apparitions, shadows, things caught on the cameras, objects moving, etc. Auditory activity include: voices, sounds that can't be explained and sounds recorded on audio. Physical activity include: any presence we feel being in the location or being touched/pushed/etc. Other activity to report would be anything experienced which would not fit into any of the above categories. 

Visual: Not Active. Though it was a beautiful evening for a stroll through the cemetery, we did not witness any visual activity. 

Auditory: We both heard laughter and some type of knocking or galloping. This was not picked up in our video. 

Physical: Not active.

Other: Not active.

Due to a lack of activity, we can't say this cemetery is or isn't haunted. It's definitely a creepy place to visit. Checkout our media below, and let us know if you've experienced  any paranormal activity in Lafayette Cemetery!